June Reads, Ratings, and Book Reviews

Everything I read in June 2024

June Reads, Ratings, and Book Reviews

How is June already over? I feel like the month flew by thanks to trips, adventures, and, of course, lots of fabulous reads. Today I will be sharing my June reads, ratings, and book reviews with you all, and there are some great ones that are perfect for reading next to the pool or on the beach!

Last month (May) I changed up the format of how I do my monthly reads & ratings posts. Let me just say – I love how it turned out! It is so clean and organized, and allows yall to see how I personally enjoyed the book as well as access an easy way to shop if the book sounds like something you would enjoy, too.

2024 Reading Goals

Last year, I worked HARD to get to 52 books in 52 weeks (as inspired by this group I had found online)! I was proud to make it, but I will admit it ended up causing me to read because I had to rather than for it to be an outlet, which I hated. So this year … no reading goal!

I did manage to summarize my nine favorite fiction reads from the year into a post, though, so if you want to know what I recommend the most out of that haul, check that post out here!

This Month ...

In MONTH, I read a total of 7 books (bringing me to 19 for the year):

  • Paperback: 3
  • Hardback: 0
  • Kindle: 4

Types of books: 

  • Romcom: 2
  • Unclassified Fiction: 1
  • Thriller/mystery: 4

My June Reads and Ratings

Magnolia Parks Into the Dark in front of the pool

The Book

4 stars | RomRa (Romance Drama) | Paperback

Enjoyed with Pinot on patios in the sweltering early summer Texas heat at sunset. 

I enjoyed the first two books in this series in April and the third and fourth in May. If you’ve been keeping up with that, you know that I typically tend to favor books written towards Daisy’s point of view rather than Magnolia’s. That said, this book was great. I’d argue the best one in the series yet. Now I have to sit around and figure out what to do with my time until the next Daisy book is released (when?!).

What I loved:

  • I got to a point where I enjoyed Magnolia. It’s incredible what can happen when she and BJ aren’t fighting constantly (which I find toxic and frankly exhausting).
  • The book summed up the Magnolia side of the series perfectly. I wouldn’t want any more. This was just too good!

What I would have changed (no spoilers):

  • The length: this book had no business being over 700 pages long. 
  • The rambling style of writing – particularly from BJ’s perspective. We get it. You love her and have for forever. I don’t need to read it 17 different times. 
First Lie Wins being read on a Kindle at a restaurant

The Book

3.5 stars | Thriller | Kindle

Enjoyed on a beautiful patio in Illinois on a 75 degree summer day on a work trip.

The identity comes first and then the mission. When Evie Porter is approached by a woman at a party who identifies herself by Evie’s real name, things begin to unravel. What is going on, and is this a mission … or a game?

This book was twisty in ways I didn’t expect! That said … certain pieces seemed a little too … convenient? to be convincing. It is a great, low stakes read that is quick and easy. I highly recommend it for a long flight or for the beach side!

Local Woman Missing book review - being read on a kindle next to some room service french fries

The Book

5 stars | Thriller | Kindle

Enjoyed over too much room service on a work trip 

11 years ago, Delilah Dorsey’s mom was found dead with a suicide note, and Delilah went missing. Now, she has reappeared. Where has she been this whole time, and what really happened on that day she disappeared? 

Freaky reading this book about young women going missing from the Chicago burbs during an El Niño year … while visiting the Chicago burbs on an El Niño year. 

The first couple chapters of this book are a little rough, but I promise you, it’s so worth it. It becomes binge worthy and has a twist you won’t see coming. Completely fascinating. 

*Free on Kindle Unlimited*

The Book

3.5 stars | Thriller | Kindle

Enjoyed on a long plane flight back home.

This is the third book in The Housemaid series! 

This whole series is full of great, quick reads that are entertaining. I quite enjoyed how this one wrapped everything up and hosted a crew of repeat characters! This was a read-in-a-day type of book. I recommend these to anyone who is going on a flight soon. They’re the perfect length to keep you occupied but are easy to keep up with. 


Click here to find my review of the first book. 

Click here to find my review of the second book (The Housemaid’s Secret)

*All three in the series are free on Kindle Unlimited*

the dead romantics book review - book cover in front of a pool

The Book

2.5 stars | Romcom | Paperback

Enjoyed on patios while trying not to think about the Texas heat

This book is by the same author as The Seven Year Slip (one of my Top 9 Fiction Reads from last year)! Check out my review here

Florence is the ghostwriter for an ultrafamous romance author who was born to a family who owns … a funeral home. Oh – and she can talk to ghosts. When her father passes and she has to return home, a ghost comes with her to teach her something, she’s just not sure what. 

This book was just … not it for me. Maybe I’m just critical, but the main character having a ghost companion reminded me quite a bit of a child having an invisible friend … only this was supposed to be romantic? I can’t say I would recommend it. That said, Poston’s other book “The Seven Year Slip” is a favorite of mine!

Not in Love by Ali Hazelwood book review - book cover of book being read

The Book

5 stars | Romcom | Paperback

Enjoyed in one day during lunch hour and quick breaks from my oversized reading chair.

This book was utterly perfect in every way a romcom should be. Anyone looking for a book that will make you believe true love actually can and does exist, this one’s for you 🤍  (yes, I too absolutely hate the cover and could never read this in public).While I personally didn’t quite understand the character of Rue fully (or why a man like Eli would be so infatuated with her … she kinda bored me), I do see this happen often in day-to-day life so very relatable. 

That said, second half of book Rue was better than in the first half. I love that therapy is also such a huge part of the book (and it’s SPICY!!). Go in blind – this book will delight you! 100% tied for first place for my favorite June read. 

the new couple by alison james book review - the new couple next to a glass of wine and a plant on a porch

The Book

4.5 stars | Thriller | Kindle

Enjoyed while sweating profusely on a hot Texas weekend. 

I honestly quite loved this book. It was a twisty read with multiple viewpoints that all answered questions left open from previous ones. Though it started slow, it picked up quickly with the second viewpoint and only escalated from there. A great read for a hot summer day!

*free on Kindle Unlimited*

My June Reads from 2024

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