Beauty Hacks You Won't Find Online
Background on My Love and Knowledge in Skin, Beauty, and Hair
My knowledge of skincare, beauty, and hair maintenance has been accumulated over time. Since the extreme of my awkward years (cerca 12 years old) I have always been interested in the fact that such small changes can make such a huge difference in everything you do.
The obsession started with hair (probably because it was something I could get my mom to buy). Experimenting with new shampoos, sprays, etc. was always a source of entertainment. I 100% went to school a few times with my hair crunchy full of half a can of mousse, but, hey, I was learning. These were the days when stick straight hair was “in”. I loved to find ways to make my hair grow as long as possible without drying it out.
Makeup came with my ability to buy things on my own (early high school). My parents had always been pretty strict about what I was allowed to put on my face. The moment I had access to a driver’s license and a (small) paycheck from my weekend gig, I was able to go to wherever I wanted. This meant unlimited access to experiment with all of the beauty tipsI found on Pinterest. Welcome to the raccoon eye and crazy lipstick phase… I just thank the good Lord daily contouring didn’t become a thing until I was much older, because that would disastrous.
Finally, came my love for all things skincare. Skincare tips are my FAVORITE because they are so customizable. Your skin is the pallet for all things; your makeup can be perfect, but if your skin isn’t smooth neither is your makeup. I think people can have the messiest hair ever, but if they have dehydrated, peeling skin, that is what you look at, not the mess on top of their head. This phase started in college, and became amplified when I went to work for Aura, a small spa owned by a friend in Norman, Oklahoma. She got me hooked on clean skincare, and the rest was history.

Professional in Unknown, Honest Beauty Hacks
With all of the knowledge and desire to know all the tips and tricks of the trade, I started asking professionals. Every time I got my hair done, purchased a new product, etc. I’d ask for their best kept secrets. Though a lot of them were fairly obvious, some of have surprised me! There are so many hacks I would have never known without asking. This, in addition to my expansive online research, has made it so I feel like a semi expert in certain areas (ok, ok I know I’m not. But let me pretend, okay?).
5 Beauty Hacks You Probably Don't Know
Always Wash Your Face and Shampoo Your Hair Twice
I know you probably read that and thought to yourself “what a freaking waste of product”… but hear me out. This tip came from a hairdresser I went to only a handful of times. She was a little out of my price range, but she was a genius when it came to hair.
The first time apply the product to your face/hair, you are simply removing the outside layer of whatever is there. So, on your face, all of that excess makeup, oil, buildup, dirt, etc is getting removed. On your hair, you are getting rid of that thick excess of oil, dry shampoo, and other build up.
The second application is when you are actually getting down and clean. This is when the face wash can actually get deep into your pores and treat beneath the surface and your shampoo can actually cleans the hair. You know how in commercials the shampoo gets a nice bubbly build up when the actor/actress uses it? Do this hack and it will finally happen to you. Make sure to leave the product on for an extended length of time (at least a minute). This will help you get the full effect.
I use Keihl’s face wash (perfect for all skin types) and RCo Shampoo and Conditioner.

Toner is Your New Best Friend
If you aren’t using a toner yet, then this could seriously be the reason you are not achieving your skin goals. Reasons use toner:
Toner restores your skin’s PH balance. It also shrinks your pores, lessening your chances of getting acne or blackheads (my major problem).
Choosing the right toner can be tricky. You don’t want to get one that is too strong (this will dry you out), but you also want it to be effective. The first few weeks after you start using toner your face may break out a little bit (nothing too extreme), but that just means your skin is balancing out.
My skin is dry/combo (depending on if it is summer or winter), and my favorite two are below. The Bobby Brown one doubles for me as an eye makeup remover – such a win in my book.

Wait Until Your Hair Cools to Brush
This hair tip actually makes sense to me. When you get out of the shower and your hair is still warm/hot, the follicles are still open in the strands. This leaves them more susceptible to damage.
What I do – dry with a hair towel (linked below), spritz in any product I need to use right away, and wait for it to cool. This process typically takes 10 – 15 min. After it has cooled, I will apply any cream hair item I use (linked below). I then brush it through with my Wet Brush which also lowers the chances of breakage. From there I apply heat, only brushing once the hair is partially dry.
Both of the hair protectant sprays I have linked below are my two favorites (working on an article for all price points). For the the cream, I seriously recommend that one specific brand – it has completely rejuvenated my hair.

Avoid Coffee Stains by Waiting to Brush Your Teeth
Are your teeth constantly turning yellow from the amount of coffee (or red wine…) you consume? This is probably because you are consuming, and then immediately brushing (or brushing and then consuming too soon after). According to the American Dental Association you should be waiting at least an hour after eating/drinking to brush, and then another hour to eat or drink again.
Up until a few years ago, I would gulp down coffee, brush my teeth, then pour another cup of coffee for the road. No WONDER my teeth were always getting so tinted! Now, I wake up, brush my teeth, head to the gym, and THEN have coffee when I get back. This gives me time to shower, go to a meeting, and then brush away the coffee breath.
Another side hack I have learned on this same topic (not sure if this is proven anywhere outside of my own testing), but alternating toothpastes gives you extra whitening power. Think about it: each brand has their own combination of methods to give you that nice white smile. By mixing and matching, you get an extra effective whitening treatment.
Face Masks are a Necessity
Your skin is NEEDY – having your baseline routine is never going to completely satisfy it. Think about everything it goes through in a day. It is dried out by wind or heat outside. After, it gets to deal with having artificial coolant or heat blown on it from in a car. Don’t forget about sweat, oils from your hands…
Depending on what you do in a day or the environment you are in, face masks can work with your routine to give your skin the extra help it needs.
Giving a real life example: think about your day to day. If you are sedentary all day in the same environment, your body probably will be craving some extreme movement, stretching, or even a full workout.
If you are up at the crack of dawn hiking non stop, your body will probably crave extra rest, water, and food.
Movement, rest, water, and food are all things you need in a day. Depending on what your day consists of, you may need more of these basic needs one day than you do the next. Your skin works in the same way. It needs its consistent support, but then it also needs it’s extra help depending on what you have been up to.