Roundup of the Best Blue Shoes for Brides

Blue Shoes for Brides

It’s here – my ultimate roundup of blue shoes for brides is complete. I am so excited to share it with you today!

Being a bride is one of the most exciting times in your life. Picking out what to wear to all of the events was personally my favorite part! From engagement photos, to your shower and your bridal luncheon, you have so many events to dress for!

Bring on the Blue

We all know the saying… “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue”. This rhythm has been passed down since the Victorian era. Since blue is the color of love and purity, it was selected to be the traditional color of brides on their wedding day. 


Some brides wear blue jewelry, and others do blue nails. For one of my showers, I had white nails with little blue flowers and they were beautiful! That said, for our rehearsal dinner I decided to shake things up a bit with some blue shoes!

Why do a Blue Shoe

Here are a few reasons I think blue shoes are a way to go:

  • It’s unique. Everyone thinks of blue earrings or a garder. This will make you stand out from all other brides!
  • It lasts longer. Nails only last two weeks and cost about the same as a pair of shoes. 
  • You can wear them again. Blue shoes never go out of style! Throw them on with some jeans or a dress and wear them all year!

The Roundup

I present to you my roundup of blue shoes for brides! Shop the post by clicking on any of the images below. I can’t wait to see what you walk out of here with!

Blue Shoes for Brides