Books to Read before Graduating That’ll Best Prep You for the Real World

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3 Books to Read before Graduating to Make Your Life so Much Better

If I could go back in time half a decade and tell my younger self some things she should know before joining the real world, I would – point blank – talk her skinny, naive head off. I’d tell her things about life experiences, to stop caring what people think, and, lastly, gain as much knowledge as she can during this time. When getting to that point, I would tell her there are three books to read before graduating, and she needs to read them all.

girl in bed in nightgown reading the book the defining decade

I have read all the self-help, trendy learning, “how to live life” books out there. This makes me confident when I say these are the only three you truly need to get started working and living in the real world. 

In today’s article, I am covering the books you need to read before graduation, and why I think these three are the only ones you truly need to read.

Your "To Be Read" List: Books to Read before Starting in the Real World

1 - The Defining Decade

If you only read one of these three books, I recommend it be this one. The Defining Decade goes into detail about exactly why your 20s matter for you both personally and on a career basis. 


The book’s author, Meg Jay, has her PhD in psychology. In an interview she did with NPR a few years back, she was quoted saying, “We know that 80 percent of life’s most defining moments happen by age 35. We know that 70 percent of lifetime wage growth happens in the first 10 years of a career. We know that more than half of Americans are married or living with or dating their future partner by 30. Our personalities change more in our 20s than any other time.”

This hit me like a ton of bricks. I have always worked hard, but I never really thought about how at this very time in my life, my choices would impact my whole future. This is the book that gave me the courage to start my blog, make new connections, and really think about what I want in life. Click here to check it out.

2 - The Financial Diet

Money is the key to everything. Though that is kind of sad, it is also a fact. To be honest, when I first graduated, I had no idea how to properly manage it. Life is expensive, and it is amazing how fast paychecks can go. The Financial Diet is an easy to read and follow guide on how to be decent with money early on. Even if you have been in the “real world” for a while now, if you don’t feel like you have a grasp on money, this may be a good buy for you to check out. 

Click here to see more.

3 - 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do

This book really enforced the idea of self worth for me. Right after graduation, I really didn’t know how to act in the corporate environment. I spent the first few months at my first “adult” job freaking out about what people think of me. After reading this, I felt tougher and more able to take the world on. If the idea of real life responsibilities kind of freaks you out, this is a book to read before graduating. Click here to check it out.