Gifts for New Brides (that they actually want)

gifts to give the new bride

What to Give a New Bride-to-Be

This year has been one filled with proposals! Despite all of the craziness in the world, we have so many friends getting married! Looking back on when I first got engaged (check out our engagement photos!), I remember feeling like it was surreal for weeks. That new bride feeling is so surreal – I can’t believe this is happening! Harry, my fiance, did such a great job planning everything and pulling off the proposal. Our friends were so sweet, and I received so many sweet gifts (and bottles of champagne) that my heart absolutely exploded.

Gifts to give engaged couples

Outfit Details: Sweater | Jeans | Heels

Gifts for the new bride
bridal shower gift ideas

Gifts for the Newly Engaged

When the first of my close friends got engaged, I had no idea what to get her. I ended up just getting everything I could think of because I was so excited! Now that I am engaged myself, I know a little bit more about what gifts I loved receiving, and what has been the most useful/used from what I was given.

Click any of the images or titles below to learn more details on the products or shop the links. I also included a link throughout each paragraph to help.

Looking for more? Check out my Amazon storefront for more ideas (and fast shipping)!

This pen is a game changer! When you first get your ring, it is the most beautiful, sparkling thing you have ever seen in your whole life. About a month later, though, it starts to get dirty and the “new, recently polished” look starts to decline. This pen not only gets rid of all of the dirt off the surface… it exfoliates any oils stuck on the diamond, giving it that renewed “new” look. I’ve had my pen since my engagement shower over a year ago. I use it 1-2 times a week (love a good glisten) and it still has lots of life left. This is a gift worth giving for sure.

The fear of losing your new, sparkly ring is real! One of the most practical gifts I received was a ring dish. I love to keep it next to my bed so that I have a place to put my ring while I sleep. Because I have always been a morning workout person, I can keep it on the dish until after my morning workout and shower. Having this consistent place gives the bride security whenever she feels the need to remove her ring.

Weddings are extremely multidimensional. The number of details that go into planning an event of this magnitude, no matter how many invitees are on your list, is large. Giving the gift of a planner that can help keep your girl organized leading up to her big day may just save her a lot of stress and worry about forgetting something.

This sounds so cheesy, but I absolutely LOVE all of the Mr. and Mrs. glassware sets Harry and I were given during our engagement. We use the coffee mugs every time they are clean, and I force Harry to sip out of the Mr. and Mrs. champagne glasses probably more than he would like me telling y’all about.

While I would argue the coffee mugs were the more practical item of this nature that we received, but made amazing (and adorable) gifts that we have cherished throughout our engagement.

One sneaky money saving hack I found recently was the art of the wine label sticker. You buy an affordable wine (some suggestions can be found in my wine section!) and then customize it with a personalized wine label. These can be found on Etsy, Amazon (check out my curated list!), or custom made at home.

After our engagement, Harry and I had so many beautiful frames to decorate with. What I LOVE about this gift option is that when you give it, the gift itself is more than just physical. Within that frame is a photo which contains a memory for that couple. Whether it is a picture from a past trip or just a simple selfie on the couch, that photo holds some significance. I love looking at the photos people chose for the frames we received and loving what special moments they decided to highlight for us.

New Bride Gift #7: Advice, love, and a handwritten message

All (happy in love) new brides go into their engagement journey the same way. Lost and unsure. Planning a wedding is hard, and making a commitment to someone forever is something that isn’t to be taken lightly! No matter how in love you are, everyone has moments where they are overwhelmed by the wedding planning process, their spouse, or what the future holds. Give your sweet new bride the best gift of loving advice and wisdom. 

Want some more ideas? Check out my Amazon Storefront for easy, affordable inspo! 

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Gifts for the New Bride