Lessons Learned my First Year Blogging

what I Learned my first year blogging

Blogging Tips and Lessons Learned from my First Year as a Content Creator

It is hard to believe that I have officially been blogging for an entire year! At the same time, I feel like I have been doing it for so much longer, simply because of how long it took me to finally take the leap. 


Like most (if not all) people in the content creating space, I underwent fear of judgement. For years I planned posts and wrote / rewrote content that the world would never see. I am so beyond glad I finally took the leap, and am thankful for everything this platform has given me this year. 


In this post, I will be talking about:

  • The learning curve that comes with owning your own business
  • 5 lessons I learned during my first year doing this 
  • Blog Goals for this Next Year
lessons learned blogging
lessons learned blogging
lessons learned blogging

The Entrepreneur Learning Curve 

When I first started my blog, I thought I was prepared. I had a few extra articles written so I could have consistency on the platform, and I had chosen a website platform that was most recommended for long term growth. Despite hours of research, I can honestly say I still had no idea what I was getting myself into. 


It took me months of blogging, dozens of courses and e-books, and lots of guidance to get to where I am. This is not me saying I know everything (can anyone ever truly know it all?), but I do know I have come leaps and bounds in the past year, and can’t wait to keep growing!

lessons learned blogging
lessons learned blogging

New Blogger Tips and Tricks / Guidance I would give to anyone who wants to start their own business

Like I said earlier, I learned a LOT during this past year. It takes some blind steps and big falls to grow, and I certainly have done my fair share of both of those things. 


I’m excited to share this section with you, because it comes from my heart. These are lessons and tips that going into this past year I wish I had known. Some may seem like common sense, but if I can help even one new business owner/content creator out, or convince even one person to take the leap to start something on their own, this article will be worth it to me. 


I had about 30 lessons learned “brain dumped” into this article, but I somehow managed to get it down to my top 5. The 5 biggest things I wish I had known starting out / the 5 tips new entrepreneurs should know.

Lesson Learned #1: Content Creation isn't Easy

Seriously. Take this lesson with all that it says. In the beginning I had no idea how much work it actually takes to grow. Sure, if you want to just dabble in blogging as a hobby for your friends to read you can do that with ease. If you want to grow your business / blog though… It takes a lot of patience, work, and dedication. You never get to have an “off day” or “take time off” like in normal jobs. In order to succeed, you have to consistently be creating value for others. Consistency is something I to this day struggle with, but I do feel as though I am always getting better at value.

Lesson Learned #2: SEO is Key

When I first started, I didn’t know anything about SEO other than that I was supposed to do it. Of course, being new, I decided to take my chances at blogging without it. Total fail – do not recommend. 

At this point, I have probably listened to 100 hours of podcasts on the subject on top of reading multiple E-books and taking online classes. Though it took a long time, the knowledge I learned has helped me grow significantly. It truly is that important. 

Lesson Learned / New Entrepreneur Tip: Invest in SEO early on, whether it is through classes or consulting.

Lesson Learned #3: Branding takes Time

Over the course of this past year, I have branded and rebranded my website, themes, logos, you name it… multiple times. I never knew how passionate I would be about my online identity! It’s crazy how, unlike anything before, I have turned into a perfectionist when it comes to all things “Hanza”. While most of the time updating is fun, there have been days where I have lost my mind trying to make everything look exactly how I want it to look. 

They say home owners never run out of projects. If they do, they just keep inventing more. Small business owners are the same way. Whether we want to or not, something in us always is causing pressure to be better or do something different. When I first started, I wish I had known to spend time planning out my original branding infrastructure so I wasn’t trying to build the house and update it at the same time. 

Lesson Learned / New Entrepreneur Tip: Build out your branding FIRST with a plan. If you don’t know how to do this, get a business coach to help guide you. It is more affordable to invest in this professional guidance early than to do what I did, which was stumble to find the way. Investing in guidance/the right tools is how you will thrive.

Lesson Learned #4: Not Everyone Supports you how you Assumed they Would

My best friends are my biggest supporters, always and forever. They were excited for me when I told them I wanted to start this journey, and have been with me every step of the way. Believe me when I say -supporting a new blogger cannot be easy. But… they did. Even when my articles were sporadic and not well done. 

That being said, there were people in my life I thought would embrace me more than they did, or at least ask me about how it is going from time to time or shop a link or two. It took me a little while to realize they weren’t doing it maliciously. Some people truly do not understand why you would want to put yourself out there so publicly. Others are jealous that you took the leap that they are too scared to take. 

Lesson Learned / New Entrepreneur Tip: Don’t let the opinions of others keep you from doing what you really want to do. Your best friends will support you and cheer you on! That is what matters. The rest of the world doesn’t.

Lesson Learned #5: You have to stick with it... but it will all be worth it

I go through periods where I don’t want to post on social media or talk to my phone. There are weeks where I want to do anything but write another article. This all being said, consistency is key in the self employed industry. Those who consistently show up, try their best, and provide value to others are the ones that succeed. Though this is something I am still working on personally (2020 hasn’t shown me a whole lot of grace), I can tell you that the weeks that I commit to putting in the time are the weeks that bring me success. 

Lesson Learned / New Entrepreneur Tip: Have a plan and stick with that plan. It is exhausting. People will talk. You’ll get turned down. It’ll feel overwhelming. But, promise, it will one day all be worth it.

Blogging Goals for this Next Year

This upcoming year, I hope to continue being able to grow the blog as a platform, and expand my social media. I also want to be able to find ways to monetize my platform and help others grow in social media and marketing strategies. I have some big plans for 2021, and I am working on an article to fill yall in as soon as it is complete!

lessons learned blogging

Lessons Learned my First Year as a Content Creator