Wine Glass Recommendations: My Favorite Wine Glasses to Sip From
I have to admit it – since I’ve started drinking wine more, I have become kind of a wine snob when it comes to the glass I am sipping from! Today, I am sharing my wine glass recommendations. These are my favorite wine glasses to sip from, whether I am enjoying a red or a white or a sparkling rose. Read, learn, and shop along with me!
1 - The Edge Wine Glass
These are my favorite for a glass of wine day to day. They are dishwasher safe and just so edgy (lol) and fun. The flat bottom of the actual glass makes it really easy to hold. These glasses are standard size (unlike a few I mention) so you don’t have to worry about over pouring!
2 - The Camille *Olivia Pope* Red Wine Glass
That balcony pic though (if you know you know … and if you don’t, follow me on Instagram)! These glasses are forever coined the “Olivia Pope” goblets because of the TV show Scandal. They hold a hefty pour (which can be dangerous), but are fun to hold and help the wine air out super well. They come in red and white versions (white version linked here!)
3 - Hipped Red Wine Glass
If the Olivia Pope wine glass is a little too long stemmed or dramatic for you (or if it scares you to clean them) this is a slightly less dramatic option! The hips give a good indicator of where to fill to. My favorite part about this particular glass? How easy it is to swirl!
4 - Camille Coupe Glass
How freaking cute is this little coupe?! Until I got these, I had never owned a coupe glass before! They are the best for not only wine, but other little cocktails. I always feel so high-end sipping out of these. My favorite sip from a coup glass? Sparkling rose!
Need some wine recs? Check out the wine section of my blog!
5 - Basic Stemless Wine Glass (a Classic)
These are my go-to stemless glasses for sipping! At only $2 a glass they are worth every penny. My DIY gals here – these are high quality glasses for any of your upcoming projects. These are also the glasses I pull out when having people over!