Read for Fun: How to Start Reading for Leisure as an Adult

girl in blazer reading a book in front of a brick wall

Read for Fun: How to Start Reading for Leisure as an Adult

Ever since I was a little girl, reading for leisure has always been a thing I cherish. It’s  my go-to way to escape the world around me. Though one might say I “lost touch” with the enjoyment of diving into a good book during college / early in my career, I can honestly say books have always been there for me, even in times when I truly needed to get away. With books being “in” again, I decided now would be a good time to write a post on how to read for fun.

In today’s post, I am going to talk about how to start reading for leisure as an adult. I want to help others change their perception / view on one of my favorite hobbies! Let’s change it from something that feels like a chore into a beautiful, affordable way of escaping reality. 

This post also includes:

  • Benefits of reading
  • Tips to start reading for fun
  • Some of my personal fictional reading recs

Check out my Reads page on the blog to keep up with what I’m reading month to month this year!


how to start reading for leisure as an adult: open book pages

Benefits of Reading for Leisure

There are many benefits of reading for fun as an adult, but today I am going to highlight a few I think are the most interesting to me.

Benefit #1 - It’s therapeutic and can be used to reduce stress.

I’m a huge advocate for therapy and all things mental health. That said, therapy can get expensive. Most people can barely afford to go once a week, let alone as often as they need. Finding a good book that can take your mind away from the real world, even if it’s just for a short period of time, can change your mindset and help you completely reset emotionally and physically.

Benefit #2 - It can increase your cognitive abilities and awareness.

We live in an always moving, always changing world. Taking the time to slow down and truly focus on something that you enjoy (I’m not talking about work emails!) can make you more aware of the world around you vs just going through the motions.

Benefit #3 - It can lengthen your life.

There are studies that support the belief that reading can help you live longer. Though that may sound less than ideal to some after the past few years we’ve been through, I wouldn’t mind a little life extension being able to do things I love!

girl in blazer reading a book in front of a brick wall
hanzastephens | girl in lavender dress reading a book in front of a fireplace
my january 2023 reading list: girl holding blue book up over her face and smiling eyes over the top

How to Start Reading for Fun

Like riding a bike or developing any new skill, getting into reading can be frustrating at first. There is a learning curve to it. That said, I recommend everyone give it a shot! There is something so rewarding about being able to sit, completely at peace, your eyes scanning a page. Let’s get into how to make that happen!

1 - Adjust your mindset

I have found a lot of people go into reading expecting that it is going to make them miserable / they aren’t going to enjoy it. You have to mentally be willing to give it a chance in order to find out if it really is (or isn’t) for you.

2 - Find what you are interested in

Some people love romance… Others love fantasy. I personally can devour a good mystery or thriller novel in a day if I don’t have anything else going on. Recently, I have been getting more and more into poetry. I like that I can read a poetry book at the same time as a novel thriller without getting the stories crossed. Shop around at first, and ask friends what authors they recommend! 

Click here to see my (always growing) list of thrillers I am obsessed with.

You can also click here to follow along with my reads month to month in order to get some ideas!

Here are few of my favorites to get you started:

Pro Tip:

One thing I don’t recommend is trying to get started by reading a book of a movie you have already seen dozens of times. For example, if you grew up watching the Harry Potter movies, don’t make the first Harry Potter book your read. You need something new, or your brain won’t feel enthralled. I’m not saying never read the Harry Potter books (they’re so much better than the movies)… I’m just saying you need something new and active to get you really started. 

3 - Create an ambiance

Don’t go into a room full of distractions and hope to get into a novel. Find a place that is cozy. Light a candle; pour yourself a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. If you can make reading a comfort, you’ll be more likely to enjoy it. 

Some candle scents I love: click here.

4 - Start in small doses

Set a timer and plan to read 10 – 15 minutes at a time starting out. Or tell yourself a page you are going to read to and don’t stop until you get there. This method will help you get into a rhythm and allow you to learn more about your reading style.

5 - Make reading the way you enjoy most a part of your routine

My preferred method of reading is on my Kindle for fictional reads or a paperback I can annotate for nonfiction. Some people prefer to only read on a digital reader (they come at all different price points). Others can only focus on books if they are in audiobook form. The truth of the matter – it doesn’t matter how you read, just that you’re doing it!

Read for Fun: How to Start Reading for Leisure as an Adult